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Dr. Miguel Polaino-Orts (España)

Doctor en Derecho y Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado por la Universidad de Sevilla, Magister iuris comparativi por la Universidad de Bonn, donde fue Becario DAAD/La Caixa.
En la actualidad es Profesor Titular acreditado de Derecho penal en la Universidad de Sevilla y Profesor invitado en diferentes universidades de España, Alemania, México, Perú, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Venezuela, Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, El Salvador, Japón, Corea, Taiwán, etc., algunas de las cuales le han concedido galardones y reconocimientos académicos.

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Dr. Dino Carlos Caro Coria

Law degree by the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Doctor in Law by the Salamanca University (Spain). Post-graduate studies in Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Post doctoral research periods in the Max Planck Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht, in Germany.

Counselor at the Truth and Conciliation Commission, in charge of reporting prosecution of human right infringements accortding to the Peruvian legislation (December 2002 – January 2003). Member of the Supreme Court and Judiciary Power Technic Gabinet (January 2003 – February 2004). Judiciary Power representative in the Special Revising Commission of the Criminal Code created by Law No 27837 (2003- 2004). Member of the Bases para la Reforma Procesal Penal Commission, created by Administrative Resolution No 077-2003-P-PJ (May – July 2003). Justice Ministry representant at the Comisión Multisectorial in charge of suggesting actions to put into practice recommendations from Resolution N° 55/63 from the UN General Assembly, in the fight against criminal use of technology and information, created by Supreme Resolution N° 026-2002-MTC, later modified by resolutions N° 008-2003-MTC and 026- 2003-MTC. Member of the EU mission in charge of evaluating the justice sector to identify and suggest coperative projects in sync with Peru for an up to 10 million euros donation (November – December 2003). Member of the Comisión de Alto Nivel para la Reforma del Código Procesal Penal (since March 2004). Member of the Comité Consultivo de la Comisión de Justicia y Derechos Humanos del Congreso de la República for 2006-2007, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009. President of Comisión del Ministerio de Justicia in charge of the elaboration of a project in crimina, procedural criminal and penitentiary matters with special reference to Organized Crime (2006- 2007). Member of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation’s International Criminal Law Study Group, and of the Göttingen University Department of Foreign and International Criminal Law, at the Criminal Science Institute of its Law Faculty (2002 – until now).

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Dr. Luis Miguel Reyna Alfaro

Law degree by the San Martin de Porres University. Master in Criminal Law by the National University of San Marcos.

Former consultant in criminal matters at the Peruvian Congress’ Justice and Human Rights Commission (2010). Former chief at the Research and Legal Clinic at the Law and Politic Science Faculty in the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University.

Former scholarship holder by the Carolina Foundation, in the Criminal Law Department of the Granada University in Spain (2008).

Besides from being criminal law, procedural law and criminology professor in several public and private universities) and regular lecturer on criminal and procedural law matters (as well in public and private institutions, both local and foreign), he has written several monographs on economic criminal law, as wells as on institutions of the new Criminal Procedural Law.

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Senior Researchers

Prof. Dr. Dino Carlos Caro Coria

Law degree by the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Doctor in Law by the Salamanca University (Spain). Post-graduate studies in Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Post doctoral research periods in the Max Planck Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht, in Germany.

Counselor at the Truth and Conciliation Commission, in charge of reporting prosecution of human right infringements accortding to the Peruvian legislation (December 2002 – January 2003). Member of the Supreme Court and Judiciary Power Technic Gabinet (January 2003 – February 2004). Judiciary Power representative in the Special Revising Commission of the Criminal Code created by Law No 27837 (2003- 2004). Member of the Bases para la Reforma Procesal Penal Commission, created by Administrative Resolution No 077-2003-P-PJ (May – July 2003). Justice Ministry representant at the Comisión Multisectorial in charge of suggesting actions to put into practice recommendations from Resolution N° 55/63 from the UN General Assembly, in the fight against criminal use of technology and information, created by Supreme Resolution N° 026-2002-MTC, later modified by resolutions N° 008-2003-MTC and 026- 2003-MTC. Member of the EU mission in charge of evaluating the justice sector to identify and suggest coperative projects in sync with Peru for an up to 10 million euros donation (November – December 2003). Member of the Comisión de Alto Nivel para la Reforma del Código Procesal Penal (since March 2004). Member of the Comité Consultivo de la Comisión de Justicia y Derechos Humanos del Congreso de la República for 2006-2007, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009. President of Comisión del Ministerio de Justicia in charge of the elaboration of a project in crimina, procedural criminal and penitentiary matters with special reference to Organized Crime (2006- 2007). Member of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation’s International Criminal Law Study Group, and of the Göttingen University Department of Foreign and International Criminal Law, at the Criminal Science Institute of its Law Faculty (2002 – until now).

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Prof. Luis Fernando Iberico Castañeda

Law degree by the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Master in Law by the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Certified trainer in the new Procedural Criminal Code by Iris Center Peru/ USAID-Peru. Professor at the Peruvian Bank Association (ASBANC) Instituto de Formación Bancaria, regular lecturer on criminal matters in both public and private institutions.

He has counseled for criminal procedural reforms in proyects for GTZ, PNUD and World Bank. Also, he shares responsibility for the making of the Criminal Procedural Law Code’s Operative Manuals, edited by the Academia de la Magistratura, process in which he wrote the Impugnation and Resources Manual.

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Prof. Luis Miguel Reyna Alfaro

Law degree by the San Martin de Porres University. Master in Criminal Law by the National University of San Marcos.

Former consultant in criminal matters at the Peruvian Congress’ Justice and Human Rights Commission (2010). Former chief at the Research and Legal Clinic at the Law and Politic Science Faculty in the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University.

Former scholarship holder by the Carolina Foundation, in the Criminal Law Department of the Granada University in Spain (2008).

Besides from being criminal law, procedural law and criminology professor in several public and private universities) and regular lecturer on criminal and procedural law matters (as well in public and private institutions, both local and foreign), he has written several monographs on economic criminal law, as wells as on institutions of the new Criminal Procedural Law.

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Principal Investigators

Virginia del Pilar Naval Linares

Abogada por la Universidad de San Martín de Porres (2014). Programa de Estudios Avanzados en Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario en American University Washington College of Law (2011).



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Prof. Andy Carrión Zenteno LL.M

Abogado por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (2008). Magíster en Derecho Alemán (LL.M.) por la universidad de Bonn, Alemania (2012).
Estancia de investigación en el Instituto de Filosofía Penal de la Universidad Externado de Colombia (febrero 2007- setiembre 2007).
Becario del DAAD (Servicio Alemán de Intercambio Académico) para realizar una estancia de estudios en la Universidad de Leipzig, Alemania (setiembre 2003- setiembre 2004).

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Ana Cecilia Hurtado Huailla

Abogada por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (2009). Estudios de Maestría en Ciencias Penales en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (2009/2010).
Ha participado como ponente en cursos de capacitación sobre el Código procesal penal, además de haber realizado diversos trabajos de investigación relacionados al Código procesal penal, publicados en revistas especializadas del país.

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Miguel Francisco Ávalos Alva

Abogado por la Universidad de San Martín de Porres (2014).
Investigador del Centro de Estudios de Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Público de la Universidad San Martín de Porres (2009-2014).
Investigador del Centro de Estudios de Derecho Penal de la Universidad San Martín de Porres (2011-2013).

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Título de Abogado por la Universidad de San Martín de Porres (2016).

Bachiller en Derecho por la Universidad de San Martín de Porres (2015).

Curso Internacional de Especialización en Delitos contra la Administración Pública organizado por IUS ET VERITAS (2015).

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